Moringa Joins the Ranks of Superfoods

Moringa Joins the Ranks of Superfoods

Moringa oleifera is the newest addition to the elite group of superfoods. It is a resilient tree that grows in Asia and Africa. Other names for it are “the drumstick tree, “the horseradish tree,” and  “the ben oil tree.” Although the leaves taste bland when cooked in soups and curries, they are somewhat bitter and spicy when eaten raw.  The taste of the uncooked leaves has been compared to mustard or horseradish.

The Moringa tree thrives in dry, sandy soil. Many cultures have been using its leaves, pods, flowers and roots for food as well as for medicinal purposes. It may be new to some, but it has been known for centuries in places like India for its healing effects. In traditional ayurvedic medicine, the Moringa is said to treat 300 different kinds of illnesses. Science is beginning to prove that these beliefs are not without basis. Moringa Joins the Ranks of Superfoods

In 2008, the Moringa was awarded the “Plant of the Year Award.” The leaves can be eaten as a vegetable, boiled in water as a tea or dried and used in the form of a powder. In some Southeast Asian cultures, the seeds are consumed as a natural vitamin source. It is no wonder that Moringa has gained so much recognition. From a nutrition standpoint, it packs a wallop of vitamins, protein and minerals. The leaves of the Moringa contain 4 times more calcium than milk, 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 3 times more potassium than bananas, 4 times more vitamin A than carrots and 2 times more protein than yogurt. It contains 46 different antioxidants, 27 vitamins, 9 essential amino acids and several minerals.

As if its nutritive value weren’t impressive enough, Moringa is also a natural water purifier as well as a remedy for a wide range of diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, anemia, diarrhea, rheumatism, asthma, malaria, cholera and gastric ulcer. It has natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. As a tea, it is said to be a cure for the cold as well as the flu. As a poultice, it can be used for skin diseases, insect bites and cuts. It is also known to aid in lactation and is often served to breastfeeding mothers.

 Moringa Joins the Ranks of SuperfoodsPerhaps only newly-recognized in the West, this wonder-plant is now being made available in countries like the United States. It is becoming an enterprise that supports women, small-scale famers and cooperatives. Marketers and distributors of Moringa make sure that there is always an adequate supply left for the local consumers. Most notable is the role Moringa plays in fighting malnutrition. Malnourished children have been observed to gain weight when fed moringa in porridge. It is also being used as a health supplement for patients who are HIV-positive. Moringa helps build up the body’s ability to fight off disease. It is also now an ingredient in cosmetics, soaps, shampoos and lotions, as it beautifying effects have also been discovered. It has also been found to boost men’s sperm-cell counts. Lately, it has also proven effective in managing  body weight, blood pressure and cholesterol  levels. Moringa also has anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties.

Other monikers for Moringa are “the miracle tree“, “the tree of life,” and “the miracle herb.” Indeed, it is not difficult to understand why Moringa olifeira is so highly-regarded by traditional healers and medical doctors alike. So move over, goji and acai, Moringa is here!

Never Try Moringa Without First Knowing the Facts

Never Try Moringa Without First Knowing the Facts

Moringa is nothing It’s been around for years. This “new” health supplement has actually been used by many cultures for hundreds of years but many still do not know about what is also called “the miracle tree” and “the tree of life.” As a health supplement, a profusion of healing and nutritive properties are attributed to it.

Moringa is said to boost one’s energy level, with healing and disease-preventive properties. It’s supposedly good for a whole range of conditions like depression, diabetes, skin disorders and weakness after exertion. These are just a few of the properties that Moringa has. A few more worth mentioning is its effectiveness in healing ulcers, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, relieving arthritis,  correcting sleep disorders and so much more! Moringa is also said to even fight tumor and cancer cell growth.

Never Try Moringa Without First Knowing the FactsIs Moringa really everything it is claimed to be? Let’s get the facts straight on Moringa oleifera. Also known as “the drumstick tree,” it grows long pods that look like, well, drumsticks. It is very easy to grow, especially in dry soil. This tree is known to grow in South and Southeast Asia, Central and South America, Africa, and Oceania. In the US, Hawaii seems to have the ideal conditions for its cultivation.

Moringa is also called the “horseradish tree” because its edible roots resemble and are similar in taste to horseradish. Uncooked, Moringa leaves are said to be slightly bitter, spicy and piquant, similar to mustard. When cooked, they are comparable in taste to spinach.

Nutrition-wise, Moringa tops the charts. When we talk about vitamin A, carrots are usually what come to mind as an excellent source. But, gram for gram, Moringa leaves can give 4 times more vitamin A than carrots. And milk has always been the best calcium source, right? Sorry, Moringa has 4 times more calcium than milk. Bananas shrink back in shame when faced with the mighty Moringa, because its potassium content is 3 times higher. Didn’t your mom always tell you that orange juice was rich in vitamin C? Well, yes she wasn’t lying. But Moringa boasts 7 times more vitamin C! And if you’re thinking of having some yogurt for a protein boost, try Moringa instead. Moringa has twice the protein content of yogurt. It is one of the few plants sources of whole or complete protein.

Never Try Moringa Without First Knowing the FactsMoringa is said to contain 92 nutrients, 46 antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatory compounds, and 18 amino acids, 9 of which are essential amino acids. With so many important nutrients and healing elements in Moringa, it’s no wonder it can address a multitude of illnesses.

Moringa actually also has beautifying properties. It is also used in soaps, shampoos, and lotions. Though already know for its use in cooking and as a health supplement, sometimes the properties of its oil is overlooked. It is said that ancient Egyptians left jars of Moringa oil in the pyramids. Even then, it was already highly-prized.

Nowadays, the all the amazing goodness of Moringa can be obtained easily. The testimonies of those who have benefited from this miracle supplement abound. And yet, Moringa remains humble. It simply wants to do its job of healing and nourishing. Get to know Moringa so you won’t  miss out on its incredible benefits!

How to Win the Weight Loss War

How to Win the Weight Loss War

Are you struggling to lose a few pounds, never mind worrying about keeping them off, and feel like you aren’t making progress?

You’re not alone. Many people have this problem. Health experts who study the problem think that weight management in today is more complicated than counting calories or exercising until you drop.

What’s different about weight, and weight loss, in today’s world, different from what our parents experienced, is that while we may eat and exercise the same, we tend to weigh almost 10 percent more.

How to Win the Weight Loss WarHow is that possible? Maybe the experts don’t have all the facts. Maybe we are eating more and exercising less, but health experts don’t think so.

One reason they give is that our hormones are impacted by a variety of environmental factors. Science has a name for these, endocrine disruptors. They could be anything from pesticides to preservatives added to food. This seems to lead to lowered metabolism.

Health experts have also discovered that it’s more difficult for obese people to lose weight. In other words, the more you need to lose the more difficult it seems to be.

What can you do if you need and want to lose weight and it isn’t happening? Experts recommend that you don’t try a fad diet, and they recommend that you don’t jump from one diet plan to another in an effort to gain results.

It seems the best thing you can do is to evolve a healthy way of eating that you can stick to in the long run, and then have patience that over time you will see results.

Eat as much fresh, natural, and unprocessed food as possible. This isn’t necessarily easy because it means more trips to the grocery store, and it takes more food preparation time, but it’s worth it to protect your weight and ultimately your health.

How to Win the Weight Loss WarPay attention to your surroundings. For example, use glass containers for food instead of plastic wrap. And think about your home. For example, do you use chemical air fresheners? Take a trip to the library and you’ll find lots of information on how to live with fewer pollutants.

You also need exercise. If you don’t exercise, you need to start. If you do exercise, maybe it’s time to change your routine. In either case, pick something you enjoy doing. And maybe find an exercise buddy, which might help you stay motivated.

Finally, you need an attitude adjustment, or what you might call an expectation adjustment. You need to change your idea of what weight loss means for you and what you call success.

For example, say you want to lose 20 pounds, and you’ve tried hard for two weeks and only lost two pounds. Maybe it’s time to change your goals so that you plan smaller increments of weight loss. Maybe those two pounds are actually a good result for your situation.

The point here is to honor what you did achieve and to keep going. And over time you might find ways to tweak your diet and your exercise plan to make them more effective, but that will only happen if you don’t give up.

Is Moringa Oleifera for You?

Is Moringa Oleifera for You?

Moringa Tree, as it’s more commonly known, is found everywhere in tropical Asia and Africa. What’s of particular interest about this tree is that the leaves and pods are edible. Yes, Moringa Tree is an edible, or mostly editable, tree.

And what’s even more interesting is that Moringa Tree is an excellent source of nutrition, maybe one of the best, a superfood. It’s been an important food source for at least two thousand years in India and in many African countries. The leaves, pods, and oil from the seeds are commonly eaten. Moringa Tree provides excellent protein, is packed with vitamins and minerals, and loaded with all the essential amino acids.

 Is Moringa Oleifera for You?For example, the leaves provide vitamin C and beta-carotene, protein, vitamin B6 and riboflavin, calcium, potassium, and iron. While the leaves are more nutritious than the pods, one serving of the pods contains more than a day’s supply of vitamin C.

The dried leaves are used to produce supplements, which you can find in natural foods stores or on the Internet in powder or capsule form. And you might also see Moringa Tree as an ingredient in other supplements.

If your local grocery doesn’t happen to carry Moringa Tree leaves or pods, you could grow your own tree, assuming you have a large area available. That’s because the trees grow quickly, although you would probably want to keep yours trimmed to facilitate harvesting the leaves and pods.

Otherwise you can get Moringa oleifera in supplement form. But why would you consider supplementation?

Moringa Tree has been shown to be of benefit for a variety of health concerns. It helps lower cholesterol, reduces higher than normal blood sugar levels, and decreases inflammation by fighting free radicals. So if you’re tired of oatmeal, or your doctor said you need to watch your blood sugar, or if you’re experiencing stiff finger joints as you age, you might consider Moringa Tree as a possible remedy. Is Moringa Oleifera for You?

Studies also show that Moringa Tree may also protect against the effects of arsenic in food or water. Contamination is a problem in some areas of the world, and rice grown in contaminated areas is sometimes found to contain arsenic. Arsenic contamination is not necessarily a problem in this country as you would need to consume such food or water for a long period before experiencing problems. But it seems that a little Moringa Tree couldn’t hurt.

If you are thinking of adding Moringa Tree supplements your diet, be aware that the supplements don’t typically provide the same nutrition as the whole food, so read the label before you decide.

You also need to know that Moringa Tree is an anti-nutrient, meaning it’s a food that may interfere with your body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients. You might have heard similar things about spinach and kale, that spinach has oxalates and that eating too much kale could interfere with nutrient absorption.

Although it sounds serious, this probably isn’t something you need to worry about, either. First, you’d need to eat a lot of the anti-nutrient food, in this case Moringa Tree leaves or pods. Second, you can decrease the possibility of an anti-nutrient problem by cooking the food. One study found, for example, that boiling Moringa Tree leaves is a good way to limit the anti-nutrient quality of the leaves.

Moringa Oleifera for Skin and Hair

Moringa Oleifera for Skin and Hair

Have you heard about Moringa oleifera, or Moringa Tree? The highly nutritious leaves, pods, and oil that come from this tree are important sources of food in much of Asia and Africa. Moringa Tree provides high-quality nutrients, including protein, several vitamins and minerals, and amino acids.

How, you might ask, will that help my skin and hair?

The idea is that skin and hair problems, for example thinning hair, or dandruff, or maybe lots of split ends and breakage, are associated with how well you feed your body. The better you eat, the better chance your skin and hair have of feeling and looking their best.

Moringa Oleifera for Skin and HairOf course you could supplement your diet with synthetic vitamins and minerals. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Moringa Tree is real food, which logically supports the idea that the body is better able to absorb the nutrients from Moringa that it would synthetic nutrients.

Also be aware that Moringa Tree is high in antioxidants, which means it supports your body in fighting free radicals, which are a major cause of early aging. So reducing or limiting free radicals will lead to improvement in the overall appearance of your skin and hair. Another benefit of Moringa that will directly improve your skin and hair is that it builds collagen.

How to Improve Your Nutrition

If you don’t have access to fresh Moringa, you can supplement with powder or capsules, and you can use Moringa oil.

Add the powder to smoothies, for example, or make a tea. The taste is slightly peppery, somewhat like radish. Experiment and try it various ways. Maybe add the powder to soup, for example, to learn what suits you best.

If you can find fresh leaves, you can use them as you would spinach. Add them to salads, for example, or cook them. Cook the pods as you would cook green beans.

Moringa oil is traditionally used for cooking, and is valued because it doesn’t tend to go rancid. You can also use it in salad dressings, as you would use other oils.

How to Use Moringa on Your Skin

Moringa Oleifera for Skin and HairMoringa oil is valued by Ayurvedic practitioners for its ability to moisturize the skin, and it’s valuable for treating dry or rough skin, for example for psoriasis or dermatitis. And it soothes sunburns, and helps with insect bites and rashes. So rub it on your face and any areas that need attention. In addition to applying the oil directly to your skin, you can make a paste with Moringa powder and use it as a mask. You can also buy a product called Moringa seed extract. At first this might not sound like something you need, but it’s worth a try. Moringa seeds are used in water purification because they have an ability to bind impurities. Because of this “binding” quality, people sometimes use the seed extract in facials. It will help reduce fine lines and protect the skin from environmental pollution, and it may help clean and detoxify the skin,

How to Use Moringa on Your Hair

Besides ingesting Moringa Tree, people make use of Moringa oil by rubbing it directly on the hair. This is especially useful if your hair is dry or breaking, and it helps with split ends.