How Can You Use Moringa Oleifera?

How Can You Use Moringa Oleifera?

Often called a superfood, Moringa oleifera, or Moringa Tree, is a vital food in much of tropical Asia and Africa. The tree grows quickly even in poor conditions and the leaves and pods are harvested year round.

People eat the leaves and pods, and make cooking oil from the seeds. Some also eat the seeds, and what remains after making oil can be used for purifying well water.

Moringa Tree is also used as a cosmetic in many areas, for example, it’s an excellent moisturizer, and western pharmacology is researching possible modern uses.How Can You Use Moringa Oleifera?

Ayurvedic medicine has used Moringa Tree in treating many health concerns for at least a few thousand years. So practitioners have experience with Moringa Tree, and they routinely use it today. Western researchers are studying Moringa Tree to determine possible uses in this society.

Western health experts now recommend the use of Moringa Tress as a food source and as a nutritional supplement. As an example, many now recommend taking a Moringa Tree supplement, in either powder or capsule form, in place of a multiple vitamin. That’s because Moringa is highly nutritious and it’s a natural food, which means it will be better absorbed and utilized in the body as opposed to synthetic vitamins.

Health experts are also recognizing that Moringa can be useful in treating a variety of conditions. For example, in Ayurvedic medicine Moringa Tree is well known for lowering blood pressure. So if you’d like to lower your blood pressure without taking prescription medication, you might speak to your doctor about trying Moringa Tree. On the flip side, if you already have low blood pressure Moringa Tree isn’t for you.

Health practitioners also recognize that Moringa Tree is useful in lowering cholesterol and stopping the formation of abnormal blood clotting. It also useful in treating diabetes. If you are concerned with any of these issues, you might speak to your doctor about using Moringa Tree, which could lead to helping you feel better and lowering your need for prescription drugs.How Can You Use Moringa Oleifera?

Another traditional use for Moringa Tree is in the treatment of asthma and allergies. Moringa Tree acts as an anti-histamine and so can be helpful.

You might also use Moringa Tree to disinfect food areas. It’s well-known for its antibacterial properties, and you can use it directly on cuts and wounds.

As for side effects, those taking a blood thinner should not use Moringa because it’s a blood thickener. If you take prescription medications you should also consult your doctor before using Moringa because it could have interactions with your current meds.

If you do use Moringa, you’re advised to gradually introduce it into your diet. Less than a quarter of a teaspoon would be good as a start. One reason is Moringa has laxative properties and you don’t want to take too much in the beginning or at any one time. About a teaspoon a day is a normal amount, but you should read the label on your supplement.

And even though Moringa has traditionally been used to treat menstrual problems and to improve the nutrition of pregnant and nursing women, these women should also consult their doctors because using Moringa Tree. Some experts suspect Moringa might not be good for infants.

Is Moringa Tree a Perfect Food?

Is Moringa Tree a Perfect Food?

Moringa oleifera, or Moringa Tree, is in the news because of its superior nutrition, and because of its many uses in Ayurvedic medicine and interest from medical researchers in western countries. It’s even called a superfood, but is it a perfect food? Should everyone eat Moringa Tree? Or does it come with side effects?

Well, you want to avoid Moringa Tree root unless you’re under the care of a doctor, but most of the rest of the tree is edible. Eating too much of the root could cause paralysis, even death, so stay away from it. The leaves are especially nutritious, and the pods have lots of vitamin C. Moringa oil is highly prized for cooking and as a moisturizer. Moringa is also available as a tea.

Lose Weight Fast, But SafelyPregnant women need to be aware that eating the roots, bark, or flowers can bring on uterine contractions, possibly leading to miscarriage, and some experts think Moringa might not be safe for infants. So if you’re pregnant or nursing, talk to your doctor before ingesting Moringa Tree, and before using the oil on your skin.

If you’re trying to get pregnant, be advised some researchers suspect that Moringa Tree might interfere with fertility. If this is your situation, you’re advised to speak with your doctor.

Don’t ingest Moringa if you’re taking blood thinning medication because Moringa is a blood thickener. Another important medicinal property or Moringa is that it lowers blood pressure, so if you already have low blood pressure your doctor will most likely advise against Moringa Tree.

Health experts also suggest that you talk to your doctor before taking Moringa Tree if you are using any other prescription medications because Moringa could have a negative interaction with your drug.

And some data suggests that Moringa may decrease white blood cells, which among other things could lead to bleeding gums. So if you have a concern in this area, talk to your doctor before using Moringa.

Lose Weight Fast, But SafelyNext is something to keep in mind for a time when you might need it. One of the qualities of Moringa is it has a laxative effect, with the likelihood of this increases along with the amount you ingest, and especially if your body isn’t accustomed to the food. You could also experience gas, diarrhea, or heart burn.

Some health practitioners suggest cooking Moringa to avoid heart burn, for example cooking the leaves as you might cook spinach and cooking the pods as you would green beans. But most advise against cooking with the powder because cooking decreases nutritional value.

As with most other green supplements and superfoods, Moringa Tree powder has a strong taste and is potent. The taste is reminiscent of radish and is not for everyone, particularly if you ingest a lot at one time. It might cause you to feel slightly nauseous.

Many of these possible side effects, like diarrhea or heart burn, can probably be avoided by starting with a small amount of Moringa, possibly as little as a fourth of a teaspoon, and gradually increasing the amount over a few days.

Moringa Oleifera for Breakfast?

Moringa Oleifera for Breakfast?

Yes, it’s for any meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You get big a nutritional punch to your diet by adding Moringa oleifera, or, as it’s more commonly known, Moringa Tree.

Never heard of it? If you grew up in Asia or Africa you might know it by one of its other English names, like Drumstick tree, because the pods are long, or Horseradish tree, because the leaves have a slightly peppery flavor.

Moringa Oleifera for Breakfast?Moringa Tree grows most everywhere in the tropics and has been valued for at least two thousand years as a food source, and also for its ability to treat a large number of diseases. It’s now being thought of as a superfood. You can use the leaves much as you would spinach, and you can eat the pods, cooking them as you would green beans. You can also buy Moringa Tree oil, which is processed from the seeds. The oil is used for cooking and eating, and you can use it on your skin as a moisturizer. The oil is valuable because it doesn’t tend to go rancid.

If you can’t find fresh Moringa, you can buy Moringa Tree in powder or capsule form at natural food stores or on the Internet. Moringa tea is also available. Keep in mind that even if you’re buying Moringa in supplement form, it’s a food. It isn’t meant to be a quick, one-time fix for what ails you. But used over time, it can greatly enhance your health.

As with other green supplements, start slowly. Most experts suggest starting with a quarter of a teaspoon or so for a couple of days. If that agrees with you, gradually add a little more over a few days and see how you feel. A teaspoon or so is a good amount in a day, but check the label of the product you buy. If you don’t like the taste, try capsules.

Why start slowly? If you aren’t accustomed to Moringa Tree, you might feel some nausea. Or Moringa can have a laxative effect, depending on how your body responds to it and on much you ingest.

Moringa Oleifera for Breakfast?Smoothies are a good way to use Moringa because if you don’t like the taste you can hide it by adding fruit. Sprinkle Moringa on salads and other dishes, or add it to juices. Most experts suggest not cooking with Moringa powder because cooking reduces the nutritional value. So sprinkle it on just before you eat.

Cooking the leaves as you might cook spinach is a common practice. Or you can use the leaves in a salad. Cook the pods as you would green beans.

Most herbal and natural food remedies come with the warning to your doctor before using them. If you haven’t tried Moringa Tree, that’s not bad advice, although Moringa is safe for most people. Moringa is counter indicated if you take a blood thinning medication because Moringa is a blood thickener.

Some traditional practitioners use Moringa to nourish pregnant and nursing women, and to help increase breast milk, but other health experts warn that Moringa might not be safe for infants. So if you’re pregnant or nursing, you’re also advised to talk to your doctor.

Moringa Tree and Allergies

Moringa Tree and Allergies

Our immune systems defend against foreign invaders by creating antibodies in the blood. The antibodies attack what the immune system identifies as an invader. The immune system even creates a specific antibody for each perceived invader, which goes a long way to explaining why allergies hit us the same way each year.

Allergic symptoms like runny noses and sneezing occur when your immune system decides a substance that wouldn’t necessarily affect most people, such as a reaction to an insect, or something in the air, or a food you eat, is an invader. Your body creates histamines and you experience symptoms.Moringa Tree and Allergies

Of course you need to avoid substances you know you’re allergic to, but that’s not always possible. You need to go outside, and you don’t always know what’s in the food you eat.

One way to fight allergies is to keep your immune system strong. You know, eat your fruits and veggies; exercise; get the proper amount of sleep; and don’t let stress get you down. You can also visit the doctor and discover the latest in allergy care for your particular reaction.

You need to do all these things, but thanks to Moringa oleifera, or what’s more commonly called Moringa Tree, you’ve got another weapon in your arsenal. Moringa helps fight allergies in two ways. First, it provides excellent nutrition. Second, it has anti-histamine properties.

Some are saying that Moringa Tree is the newest superfood, and it might well be, although it’s been a vital food source in Asia and Africa for thousands of years. Moringa Tree is so nutritious that it’s used to help treat malnutrition, and some alternative health practitioners are encouraging the use of Moringa supplements in place of multi-vitamins. And Ayurvedic practitioners have had great success in using Moringa Tree for treating many diseases, including allergies. So Moringa may be a superfood, but its proven results are not.

Moringa Tree and AllergiesYour doctor might suggest an anti-histamine prescription, or you can purchase an anti-histamine at the drug store, but you might experience side effects with these medications. For example, you might experience drowsiness and so be unable to drive for a period of time. Another way to mitigate histamine symptoms is to eat anti-histamine foods, of which Moringa Tree is one. So you not only get superior nutrition for your immune system, but you get Moringa anti-histamine properties as well.

One study found that Moringa Tree inhibits more than 70 percent of the histamines causing allergic symptoms. People with asthma often react to allergens, and Moringa Tree has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat asthma. It’s now being used by alternative health providers as well.

If you can find fresh Moringa leaves, you can eat them as you would spinach, or you can use Moringa Tree powder of capsules. For example, you might add the powder to smoothies, just as you would other green supplements. Or, depending on how you like the taste, you might sprinkle the powder to stews or soups after cooking them.

Moringa, a Marvel of a Tree

Moringa, a Marvel of a Tree

If you knew a way to prevent or cure a few hundred diseases or so, what would you do?

Well, according to Ayurvedic medicine, Moringa oleifera, or Moringa Tree, offers such a possibility. They should know because Moringa Tree, which is native to Asia, is used by Ayurvedic practitioners to address all sorts of health concerns. But you don’t need to take their word for it. Studies support these claims and more. For example, studies indicate that Moringa Tree may have anti-cancer properties, and it be of help in regulating thyroid function.

Moringa, a Marvel of a TreeMoringa Tree grows rapidly, some say like a weed, and better still the leaves and pods can be harvested throughout the year. Even better still, the leaves and pods are superfoods. They contain a large variety of nutrients and are an important food source in many parts of the world. An equivalent serving of Moringa leaves beats the calcium you get from milk, the iron from spinach, and the vitamin A from carrots. Well, you get it, the Moringa Tree provides great nutrition.

What other benefits might you get from eating Moringa leaves and pods? You’ll get antioxidants to help fight free radicals. If you’re diabetic you can expect to get lower blood sugar, and you’ll be able to reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol. Ayurvedic practitioners use Moringa Tree for a wide variety of health issues, for example to treat stomach ulcers, to help nursing mothers with milk flow, to improve digestion, and to help reduce high blood pressure. It’s also thought to have anti-fungal properties.

Moringa oil, which is made from Moringa seeds, is used for cooking. Unlike many vegetable oils, Moringa oil resists going rancid. The oil is also thought to help protect the liver from inflammation, and is commonly used to treat arthritis. Many people use it as a skin moisturizer, and it’s increasingly used in cosmetics.

Moringa, a Marvel of a TreeSome other facts about Moringa Tree are that it helps protect the body against arsenic from contaminated food or water, and a really interesting use for the seeds is to purify well water. Apparently the seeds contain a protein that attaches to impurities and causes them to aggregate, and as a water purification method this works better than many synthetic materials. Some researchers are pondering the question of whether this protein may perform the same function in the body, which would mean Moringa might prove useful in detoxifying the body. So how do you get these benefits from Moringa Tree? You can buy Moringa as powder or capsules. You can also buy Moringa oil, although be aware that it’s expensive, much more so than high quality olive oil.

If you have access to fresh Moringa leaves, use them like you would spinach, for example in salads or by boiling them. They have a sort of peppery taste, reminiscent of radish. The powder works well added to smoothies or sprinkled on salads. But, like a lot of green supplements, a little goes a long way. Start slowly and taste often is the best advice.